Sunday 17 April 2011


my aunty jill died yesterday i was upset in the morning. so we didn't go out.  
they had a call from his mum, jeanluc didn't know who it was. i said who's phoned he went i don't know. kept going on about he don't like dark chocolate. kira chatted away after jeanluc gave her the phone.  today i went to asda he kicked off went to smack me in the face i grabbed his hand pretty quickly he went you can't stop me i went i can!! i went you don't hit me ever.
he wanted a car and didn't like it as i wouldn't buy him any he's had enough with what he had at butlins as well.
got kira couple of new tops wanted to get her a dress but couldn't get her back in dressing room again as he was starting yet again. she needs allot of new summer stuff. so will go when grandad has him. saw a lovely dress in there for her. hope it's there when we go in again
non stop i wants from the fridge as he knows i got allot in there for when they go to oscars. so he wants to try n raid the fridge every 10mins. he finally gave up around 7.30pm!!
been a little s*d today he has. gonna go in mum's tomorrow gotta get rest of what i couldn't today mum will have him while we go down town. i got easter eggs sorted out now that's if i don't decide to eat them lol. the dark chocolate one he had in the thorntons box we made into a rocky road fridge cake. they won't eat the dark chocolate as it is but mixed in a fridge cake with milk chocolate they eat it.
he's being very loud up there at the moment.
actually done some stitching today i finished up a birthday atc swap, and i'll put it in post tomorrow got two to send. 2 of my postcards have arrived the usa one loved the will n kate postcard. might send some more tomorrow.  we had roast gammon today oh yum done it in the halogen oven and the crackling was to die for!! kira went i want that again lol.
might go upstairs n read a book early tonight. get comfy in bed.

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