Monday 9 June 2014

Worked on grandad this weekend love my purlite lamp I think my eyes gave got worse as it was much better stitching under the magnify glass lol.  Eye test me think.
Shame about prom thus year Jeanluc can't go some stupid change about parents not being allowed to stay um school 40mins there and back!! no wonder only ten going if it's not cancelled. He's upset but mum n dad in London that day so I can't leave Kira home alone and it's daft not being allowed to stay in staff room like last year. They both enjoyed it last year.
Had her prom dress sorted glad I didn't start looming for Jeanluc outfit. We were lucky mums friend daughter had two dresses she gave to Kira. I said save them for your own prom.loved watching them all run around outside last year don't normally see Jeanluc playing like that it's a treat to watch. 
Hopefully change of mess this week for Jeanluc he's got an appointment much needed!! We were up from 1am last night god knows how he weren't tired this morning I've been shattered all day
I need to get my heart tablets tomorrow month gone quickly!! 

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