Monday, 27 December 2010


yeah back home, gonna go sonk out in my bed in a bit and with no kira in it even better!! lol. she hogged the quilt at mum n dad's so be pleased to get back in my bed in a bit!!. got an ebook reader light so gonna go read me book in a bit. 
we went to poole today it was heaven getting out!!
kira spent some of her birthday money she got an idog pink in this is it and a fairy paint your own money bank. better than what his sister got them two money pigs you have to break open?? dad said a bit dangerous really with jeanluc he went she don't think really i went nope.  they just got tossed aside.
kira been reading her books he got her so kept her quiet tonight up in bed!!
they went in game and spent there game cards his mum n dad gave them they both got figures in there. game kira wanted they didn't have on the dsi. so she got some figures as well and been playing with them this afternoon.  got her some clothes in asda got some lovely tops in there at the moment and she wouldnt budge form the bra section hehe so picked her up two lots. hehe. had to get her to take it off at bedtime she wanted to sleep in it!!
larder is fully stocked up now so are freezers. got enough pepsi n choccie in so i'm happy bunny!! gonna get comfy tomorrow and watch coach trip it's on sky3 all day yeah!! kira went oh goody she loves it as well. mum said she'll put it on for jeanluc to keep him quiet upstairs lol.
had a letter when i got back today dated the 17th!!! shows how behind they are on the post eh!!.
be lovely not having to lock up the kitchen tonight!! he wont be raiding yeah.
man v food is on love it taping it did have it but lost it so retaping again.

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