Friday 10 December 2010


yeah managed to get out finally today!! went to poole now finished xmas shopping thankgod!! got my great nephews pressie today hehe whoops.
went in chinese it was yummy not been in there since october!! i enjoyed it. even mum went back for 2nds unlike her she normally only has one plate. they got kira a wii rock guitar today she's been wanting one as she loves playing it at youthclub on the xbox they got there. so dad picked it up today for the wii. guess i'm taking the wii to there's at xmas lol.
got kira some new clothes crikey 12-13years she's in!! she's really growing now!!.  got some post today two atc's from the  xmas atc swap and another postcard from germany. russia one taking an age to get there 18 day's so far!!
week today kira's birthday he's not sent txt or called about when he is bringing kira's birthday present down, she went do you think daddy knows it's my birthday??? he called tonight after jeanluc sending that letter he said he asked him to phone up more bless him.  all he has to do is phone him every week  and he'd be a happy boy!! kira brought up her birthday and asked him if he got her present and said what she wanted.  godknows if he's gonna bring it down though she's got a busy week ahead kira!!
i had meeting with teacher today after school wasn't arranged but went to pick her up and spoke to her. situation with the other kid who was hurting her has stopped and she's much happier now she's sat with the girls at lunchtime. and had a chat about her maths which is only think slowing her down takes after me with that lol. i'm no good with maths!!

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