Wednesday 3 November 2010


what a night last night!! jeanluc was in bed with me i didnt realise it was him till he told me lol. i heard someone snoring behind me then i went to turn around and he got out of bed and went in his room so quick i didnt see who it was i thought it as kira!! it's not normal he gets in with me. he said i was in with you for 53mins and 3secs lol. i dont know how he does that!! he's got a digital clock inside him!!
kira lost her tooth yesterday at school so put it under her pillow flipping heck what a night with her!! for 3 hours after jeanluc got out she was up then back in bed asleep then up again then back again. kept going on she couldnt find her tooth in the bed worried about it in the end i said tooth fairy came n got it!!. it was about 5am by then she sonked off agian zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i was gonna have a sleep when they went to school but i was wide awake!! so got some shopping in tesco's, jeanluc needed some drinks for tomorrow he's going to bath with his class and another class. they are going to bath fashion museum roman baths and having lunch and tour at bath rugby club me wanted to go not fair!! i got his camera ready hopefully his teacher will take photo's if they meet any rugby players!! he's really looking forward to that bit.  i somehow think they won't be having the open air bus ride as it looks like rain tomorrow.
dad is picking him up as they get back at 6pm at school. he'll be so hungry by the time he gets home!! and ratty no doubt lol. glad kira will be at cubs not to wind him up!!

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